This innovative machine projects very intense pressure pulses and exceeded our expectations....Read More
Dr. Piotr Szadkowski
Medical Center VitamedClick Here to learn more
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The amazing recovery from hemangioma surgery at a hospital in Iraq, is documented. Cellsonic eased the shriking of scar tissue, enhanced overall healing, minimized pain, and prevented infection. It truly is a must for all surgery departments. Click Here to learn more
Cellsonic president Andrew Hague gives a brief overview of the operational physics of the Cellsonic VIPP and its mechanism for curing diabetes, including the healing and sterlization of diabetic ulcers and rejuvenation of Islets cells in the Pancreas. Symptoms of respiratory illnesses appear have been quickly resolved using the Cellsonic. In order to achieve health, human beings need to be in harmony with the earth's natural magentic fields, which is to say, the health of human cells is dependent upon biophysics, and the Cellsonic is one of the few technologies out there that address cellular health and repair on this level. Low cellular voltage, which is the genesis of cancer in human cells, can actaully be detected and diagnosed early before the cancerous cells have a chance to grow, and this is the objective of the Sapiens Shield Foundation. Click Here to read the pdf.
More information on the Sapiens Shield
Foundation can be found
In this new testimonial and report from January 2022, we learn of a Swedish Caregiver who brought her cancer-laden boyfriend to a Cellsonic practioner, and has, so far, achieved a remarkable recovery. Of note,when the body starts to heal itself and remove the toxins and wastes both from the cancer and from the body in general, one may experience a dramatic healing response, which could easily be misinterpreted as the treatment 'not working'. No; more likely, the body's detoxification and waste removal systems are working extremely hard to facilitate the next stage of healing. The report is extremely encouraging and eye opening and well worth checking out. Click Here to read the pdf
Many patients who have halted chronic inflammatory disease by Cellsonic have purchased the machine to start their own clinics. Cellsonic lifts a cancer cell's voltage back to the range of -75 mV of a health cell. Some practitioners have developed a way (following the model of Jerry Tennant)to find areas of cancer cell development too small to be seen on conventional scans. Treatment is not only of the primary tumor and likely metastasis sites, but involves rapid treatment of these developing cancers wherever they are determined to be. It is the goal of the Sapiens Shield foundation to finance and develop relatively simple and robust diagnostic technology for cellular permittivity (measuring the ease of electric transfer through a field) by which entire populations (towns/villiages)can be diagnosed and cured of chronic inflammatory diseases such as cancer, before they even know they have it! Click Here to read the pdf
In this lastest essay CellSonic president Andrew Hague discusses the idea that is it the mind/brain is the key to cancer pathogenesis, long before the manifestation of disease as evidenced by low cellular voltage. The ancient Ayuervedic systems of Indian medicine were well aware of this fact. Whether or not one is in a 'fear state' or a 'loving state' (which some of us call 'resonance' or 'flow')determines biological health. Click Here to read the pdf
Cancer causes more premature deaths than any other disease. It is an electrical fault, easily detected and easily corrected. This is biophysics, not biochemistry. CellSonic VIPP that has been in production for fifteen years has been found to stop the profuse replication of mutating cells instantly without drugs or side effects. The method has now progressed to being able to stop cancer in a population, not just in a person. A quick check-up will find and stop a cancer before a person is aware of it. The same technology applies to most chronic diseases.
This is a short and informal video taken from a recent interview, in which Inventor Andrew Hague discusses the electrical nature of the body, including the influence of the ionosphere and Schumann Resonance. Click Here to give it a listen.
A new article by Glen Halls Cellsonic Canada discusses the electrical nature of cancer and how this can be addressed by the Cellsonic VIPP. Click Here to view it. (Note, it will sometimes 'download' to your downloads folder-it might not open to a new window immediately depending on your browser settings)
MEA Markets has finalised the results of the UAE Business Awards 2021 and Cellsonic Limited, maker of the Cellsonic VIPP, has won the Best Cancer Machine Provider Award during the 20201 UEA Business Awards.
We have all at some time been helped by surgery and pharmaceuticals. It may have only been a stitch to close a wound or a pill to block pain but without these long standing medical methods we may not have got to where we are now. But what if that wound had been infected and turned to gangrene and if that pain had been caused by the early stages of cancer would we have survived? Most likely we would have died. Traditional medicine struggles with wounds, cancer, psoriasis, periodontal infection and many other common, debilitating diseases.
It is in these areas where surgery and pharmaceuticals fail that CellSonic succeeds. We give you a new branch of medicine. There are no side effects, no risks, it is non-invasive and the costs are low. The technology is based on the pressure pulses developed forty years ago to pulverise kidney stones. CellSonic has made the machines smaller, weaker, faster and much lower in price. The main advance is the high voltage switching used to make the high pressure pulses.
It is the fast switching of the CellSonic medical machine that makes it unique. The intense pressure pulse it produces kills all infection, increases vascularisation, repairs nerves and halts cancer. No drugs can do all this so efficiently and safely. CellSonic works with the immune system to heal without the risk of collateral damage.
"Our machine, the CS1-Intense Pulse Pressure Therapy (IPPT) is the star of the clinic and it is a cutting edge advancement in medtech that kills infection and triggers tissue regeneration. The origins of the technology go back forty years to removing kidney stones by shattering them with sound waves and this was the first ever non-invasive surgery known as Lithotripsy. Since then the technology has evolved and developed to the present day CS1 machine".
The Cellsonic VIPP is even more effective than the CSI. Click HERE to watch their explanatory video and testimonials from physicians at the St. James clinic.
The Sapiens Shield Foundation in Sweden has taken shape to fund research and development by Cellsonic-Medical for a diagnostic permittivity device. In the general sense, permittivity is a description or measure of the capacity for an electric field to pass through a substance or fluid. The cellular permittivity device being developed by Cellsonic Medical will be able to find and measure areas of low cellular voltage in the body. Low cellular voltage essentially equates to a dysfunctional cell, which in turn could become the genesis for inflammatory processes, organ dysfunction, and cancer. This ability to pinpoint areas of low cellular voltage/permittivity then becomes a powerful diagnostic and preventative tool for cancer and other disease processes. For more information or to make a funding contribution, please visit the Sapiens Shield Foundation website. (
An amazing scientific overview of CellSonic and it's potential for treatment and potential cure of diabetes, bone and ligament healing, cancer, nerve damage, and wound healingcan be heard via this amazing interview between Andrew Hague(inventor)and Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense Click Here
Awards, publications, and interviews are growing in number. Please check our NEWS PAGE to keep up with the latest.
In the pages of this website there are more details. We expect you to have lots of questions so we are not here writing a text book, only an introduction. This site is an invitation to ask questions and we will reply quickly. We look forward to hearing from you and learning about your situation and requirements. Patient care is our priority.
This innovative machine projects very intense pressure pulses and exceeded our expectations....Read More
Dr. Piotr Szadkowski
Medical Center VitamedIt is amazing to see positive results in a short period of time. Being a noninvasive, drug and side effect free procedure with no hospitalization requirement, CellSonic VIPP is a hit among patients with calcaneal spur/fasciitis.
Dr. Pradeep Mahajan
UrologistDayspring Cancer Clinic, obtained a CellSonic shockwave device to help with our patients. There are several case studies that would be advantageous to report...Read More
Dr. Andrew Dickens
NMDThe CellSonic arrived and I quickly put it to work. Was easy to set up. All my patients were amazed and so was I...Read More
Dr. Llyod Jenkins
ND, PhD, EFTWe used a CellSonic Medical hand-held, electro-hydraulic shockwave lithotripter and have no financial interest in the manufacturer, CellSonic Limited. Medical shockwaves are capable of healing skin ulcers however caused. The procedure is non-invasive and drugs need not be used.
Dr. Karim Bilal
FRCS, MRCGP, MBChB, CABSOur clinics have been using the CellSonic VIPP machine for almost two years, with amazing effects. We have results in pain management for cancer, joint and back pain, bowel and bladder disorders, scar tissue reduction/removal to name a few...Read More
Dr. Angelyna Coady
NDThe combination of VIPP sound and high powered electrical fields have never been combined before to my knowledge to treat cancer. Noble prize work if you can live to collect it. This is a paradigm-breaking disruptive technology. WOW!
Dr. Steve Haltiwanger